The Rose Garden Day Nursery and Childcare in Swansea | Education
Welcome to The Rose Garden Day Nursery. Wales' Nursery of The Year 2008 & 2009. Under the management of the proprietor Mrs Ann Khoshbin.
Day Nursery, day care, Swansea Day Nursery, Day Nursery in Swansea, Nursery School, Nursery School in Swansea
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The Rose Garden Day Nursery : Education

The Rose Garden follow the new ‘Curriculum for Wales’.


The aims are to create a successful and exciting future for all children and young people of Wales, making them prepared to learn throughout their lives.


Four main purposes of the Curriculum –


– Ambitous, capable learners.

– Healthy, confident individuals.

– Enterprising, creative contributors.

– Ethical informed citizens.


Learning through play remains a big focus.
