The Rose Garden Day Nursery and Childcare in Swansea | Communication
Welcome to The Rose Garden Day Nursery. Wales' Nursery of The Year 2008 & 2009. Under the management of the proprietor Mrs Ann Khoshbin.
Day Nursery, day care, Swansea Day Nursery, Day Nursery in Swansea, Nursery School, Nursery School in Swansea
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The Rose Garden Day Nursery : Communication

At The Rose Garden key persons write individual profiles showing progressive development in all learning objectives.

Reports – Reports will be written quarterly about your childs progress. These reports will be attached to their Blossom (our new online application) account for parents to access.


Parents will receive a daily diary and photographic observations of your childs daily activities. There is instant messaging – keeping in contact with the keypersons throughout the day.


Quarterly newsletters for each group via Blossom.

Key persons are always at hand to discuss your child’s progress.